We are pleased to organize events at or around your business location or at one of our selected top locations. Think of Cars & Coffee, a food truck event featuring European or Asian cuisine, or a children’s party with pizza, ice cream, pancakes, waffles, and bouncy castles. Whether it’s a children’s party, birthday celebration, kids’ reception, spring party, or communion celebration, we make it happen. We also arrange sponsorship events. Check out our photo gallery for an impression of our events, such as the Wasco Cars & Coffee event.
sponsering F4
F4 Yani stevenheydens
I am Yani Stevenheydens, a 17-year-old racing enthusiast driving for the Belgian national team RACB. With a passion for speed and competition, I aim to compete in the Formula 4 series, seeking sponsorship support to make this dream a reality.
Product Quality Index
Energy Generation

Ambitions for 2024
After gaining invaluable experience in the French Formula 4, I aim to elevate my performance and compete for the championship title with the support of the RACB National Team.
Product Quality Index
Energy Generation
Sponsering F4
Wine Tasting Event
For the simple and best raison that Yani Stevenheydens, our hero drives
this weekend in Spa Spa-Francochamps the most beautiful circuit in Europe in
his F4 bolide for the SRO Motorsports Motorsports– Group Speedweek. This invite is
only valuable by a personal invitation by Yani himself.

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation
Wasco Cars & Coffee
You want to treat your car with the best?
We will return your car in top condition; both on the inside and outside. Our professionals will take care of your car “from top to bottom” according to agreements made in advance.
WAS-CO takes care of your car with great attention to detail and enormous passion. You can contact us for both private and commercial vehicles. You are welcome in our workshop in Mechelen for thorough interior cleaning, high-quality polishing and various types of paint protection. We have the suitable equipment and techniques and perfectly adjusted lighting to elimi-nate every imperfection. In addition, we can blindly count on our team of experienced and motivated car detailers every day.

Product Quality Index
Energy Generation